Wednesday, July 4, 2012

There and Back Again

We spent the past two weeks in Saskatoon visiting my entire family. It was an awesome trip and I have returned home happy, but exhausted.
Post with pictures to come, but for now - a few numbers to sum up our time.
Three sisters, Three Brothers-in-law, Two parents and Five grandkids
Aged 1,2,3,4 and 5.
(then we had a big birthday party and had two five year olds instead)
One trip to the zoo with 2 monkeys, 4 lions, 5 caribou and countless geese (among other things).
12 taxidermy animals in our cabin at Smoothstone Lake in Northern Saskatchewan
4 fish caught and eaten.
Two road trips (there and back) with 0 carsickness.
600 mosquito bites (approx)
6 sunburns (2 of them mine)

And an uncountable amount of fun had by the kids (and the grownups too).

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