Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Boxes, Boxes...

Oh, Newfoundland, you crazy island. There is just no way to get to you.

So, we looked into all sorts of ways to get our stuff from the middle of the country to the edge of the country (4000 km away). U-Haul was insanely expensive (not to mention unsafe, by all reports I've heard) and most moving companies charged the same thing - $3000 to move. Every option kept coming up with that number-  $3000. There was no way we wanted to could pay that, so our option was to sell all our furniture and move everything else in boxes with Canada Post, and whatever we could take on the flight.
So, we shipped off 10 boxes of stuff. They were big boxes and took two trips in a very kind friend's car. The total to ship them? Just over $300. Not bad! So much less then sending them any other way.